6-9th October
at the Cork
International Hotel
On Now

Rob Wilkins

Guest Lecturer Profile

Rob WilkinsName: Rob Wilkins
Post(s): Head Producer Wrangler, Reader in Authorial Administration
U.U. Qualifications: B.H.Cr., M.F., Doctorum ex Secretum Agentibus
Previous U.U. Presentations: “Personally Assisting a Personality and Being a PA”, “A Refutation of the Completely Unrelated Subjects of Internationalness, Men, and Mystery”, “The Goddess Narrativia: A Hard Taskmistress”

Academic Profile:
Being Terry's PA, Rob has been a central figure in Discworld for some time now, and is probably the busiest guest at any convention. No lounging around the lobby playing Werewolf for him - he's got movie producers to wrangle and top secret business calls to make. He is also 33% of the Pratchett-based production company Narrativia (which will be bringing Terry's stories to our screens in no time at all). But the best thing to say about Rob is he's really nice, super fun and is always happy to chat - at least, until the next interruption!